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Tag: Citizen Airmen

Reserve Firefighters Tackle Aircraft Burn Trainer
April 5, 2018
Reserve Firefighters Tackle the Aircraft Burn Trainer

Career day encourages local girls to dream big
March 22, 2018
11th Annual Joint Base Charleston Women in Aviation Career Day

Charleston civic leaders take flight to Texas, attend BMT
March 21, 2018
Charleston Civic Leader Tour

4th Combat Camera wins multiple AFRC media contest awards
February 22, 2018
The 315th Airlift Wing’s 4th Combat Camera Squadron here earned 10 awards in the 2017 Air Force Reserve Command Media Contest.

Combat Camera TFI – Training Together for the Challenges Ahead
February 22, 2018
Combat Camera TFI – Training Together for the Challenges Ahead

Hundreds welcome 560th RED HORSE Airmen home
November 7, 2017
560th Red Horse Returns Home From Deployment

AFRC commander visits Charleston Reservists
October 16, 2017
AFRC Commander visits Charleston

Senior 315 AW leaders take on grueling ‘Mountain to Coast” bike tour
October 13, 2017
A few 315th Airlift Wing senior leaders proved it by completing the seven-day, 450-mile 19th Annual Mountain to Coast bike ride in North Carolina.

Combat camera validates total force initiative
September 15, 2017
Mobility Guardian Photo

Twice a Reservist, Combat Camera Chief Serving as FEMA Reservist
September 13, 2017
Coast Guard Lt. Commander Karen Kutkiewicz and Federal
Emergency Management Agency reservist Matt Proietti work on a writing plan Sept. 6, 2017, at the Hurricane Harvey Joint Field Office in Austin, Texas. Proietti, a Penn Valley, California, resident, is superintendent of 4th Combat Camera Squadron, Joint Base Charleston, South Carolina. Kutkiewicz is a public affairs officer at the Coast Guard's 1st District Headquarters in Boston. Both are graduates of the military's Defense Information School. (courtesy photo)