Welcome to the Joint Base Charleston Contact Us form.
Commander's Action Line:
The Commander's Action Line is a way to communicate with the JB Charleston Commander via email.
To submit a query or comment to the Action Line:
- Select "Commander Action Line" from the Recipient drop down menu
- Enter your Name and Email Address and Message in required fields*
- Please ensure you type "Commanders Action Line" in the Subject field
*If you wish to remain anonymous, input "N/A" into the name field and "NoReply@dma.mil" in the email field.
***Please allow one week for a response via this channel.***
General Public Affairs Queries:
To submit a query or comment to Public Affairs:
- Select "Public Affairs" from the Recipient drop down menu
- Enter your name and email address and message in required fields
Tour Request Inquires:
Information about tours at Joint Base Charleston:
- Tour season takes place each year from Apr. 1 to Nov. 1, Tues-Thurs, 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
- Static aircraft tours are only available the 1st/3rd Thursday of the month.
- Tours should consist of 10+ people, not to exceed 40 people.
- All tours are subject to manning and ops tempo.