Home : We Care : Workplace





Some examples of topics in this category:
  • Workplace Stress
  • Relationships
  • Communication
  • Discrimination
  • Bullying
  • Harassment
  • Toxic Workplace





Equal Opportunity/Alternative Dispute Resolution

212 Arthur Dr (Bldg 346)
North Charleston, SC 29404
Phone: (843) 963-3662
0830-1530, Mon-Fri
https://www.jbcharleston.jb.mil/About-Us/Fact-Sheets/Article/233059/equal-opportunity/; https://usaf.dps.mil/sites/JB-CHS/EO/SitePages/Home.aspx

EO/ADR office provides complaints resolution tools related to unlawful discrimination and harassment (bullying, hazing, sexual) and conflict resolution services. Additionally, we offer human relations educational tools, climate surveys, and EO/ADR subject matter expertise for all support for employees, supervisors, managers, and investigative agencies. 



Sexual Assault Prevention & Response Program

212 Arthur Dr (Bldg 346)
North Charleston, SC 29404
Phone: (843) 963-7880/7881 
24/7 Hotline: 843-963-7272
0700-1600, Mon-Fri (Office) 

Comprised of the Sexual Assault Prevention & Response Coordinator, Full Time Victim Advocate and a team of Volunteer Victim Advocates (VVAs) designed to provide support and advocate services to victims of sexual assault and educate the installation on services and prevention related to sexual assault.




Civilian Personnel

101 E. Hill Blvd (Bldg 503)
North Charleston, SC 29404
Phone: (843) 963-4500
0830-1530, Mon-Fri


Provides services to meet the needs of management, supervisors, and the civilian workforce. Services include: advisory guidance in the areas of recruitment, staffing, position management, employee relations, labor and workforce planning, and promotes prevention and resolution of labor disputes in a manner that fives full effect to the collective-bargaining rights of employees, unions, and management. Employees wishing to apply for positions should go to www.afciviliancareers.com



Inspector General

212 Arthur Dr (Bldg 246, Rm 207, 208, 211)
North Charleston, SC 29404
Phone: (843) 963-3552/3553/5036
0730-1630, Mon-Fri

The IG ensures the concerns of all complainants and the best interests of the Air Force are addressed through objective fact-finding to enhance the discipline, readiness, and warfighting capability of the entire wing.




Area Defense Council

101 E. Hill Blvd (Bldg 502, Rm 119)
Joint Base Chaleston, SC 29404
Phone: (843) 963-4417
0730-1630, Mon-Fri

The Area Defense Counsel provides confidential, independent legal representation for service members who are facing adverse administrative actions or are suspected of committing an offense under the Uniform Code of Military Justice. The Area Defense Counsel falls outside the chain of command for the wing, and therefore retains independence in the representation of service members.