Where can I find information concerning the FOIA?
Welcome to the Freedom of Information Act website. This Act establishes a policy that records of the Air Force are accessible to the people unless protected by certain exemptions. The Air Force conducts its activities in an open manner and provides the public with accurate and timely information.
The Freedom of Information Act program establishes statutory rights of access to government information. DoDR 5400.7 explains policies and outlines procedures on disclosure of records, establishes mandatory time limits, and explains how the public may get copies of Air Force records, it also lists specific policies on withholding records that are exempt from release to the public. Air Force disclosure policy: As long as the requester gives a reasonably accurate description of the "record" sought, the Air Force will disclose the "record", UNLESS IT IS EXEMPT BY LAW AND REGULATION.
To request records pertaining to the Charleston Air Force Base, submit a FOIA request by mail, e-mail, or in person at the following address:
103 North Graves Ave
Joint Base Charleston, SC 29404
COM: (843) 963-3273
FAX: (843) 963-3288
The request must be in writing. No telephone requests will be accepted. If you do not know the exact title of the document you are seeking, you should provide a reasonable description of the documents. The more information that you can provide about the document, the more expeditiously your request will be processed.
In your request include an address and voice phone number in which to reach you if we have questions. Also, state a willingness to pay accessible fees.
We have posted documents on our web page that we receive many requests for. Some of these records may have portions deleted in accordance with the FOIA's nine statutory exemptions. A consolidated list of such records is on DoD Resource Locator. Requests for records from other government agencies (DOJ, FBI, OSI, etc.) must be requested from those agencies.
United States Air Force Freedom of Information Act - Air Force FOIA Handbook
FOIA requesters who have questions concerning the processing of their request with the Charleston AFB FOIA Office should call (843) 963-3273. If dissatisfied with the response from the center, you may contact the FOIA Public Liaison, HQ AMC FOIA Office at (618) 229-5710 or e-mail amc.foia@scott.af.mil or the FOIA Public Liaison, HQ AF FOIA Office at (703) 588-6102 or email af.foia@pentagon.af.mil.