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Comprehensive Airman Fitness Electronic "We Care" Guide

A logo for Comprehensive Airman FitnessThis guide contains a list of services and resources available to members of our military community. It does not provide exhaustive information about each resource. Instead, it provides just enough information for you to quickly determine what resources are available to serve your needs. You can then use the phone numbers or web links to obtain more detailed information for a particular service. The We Care link is a needs-based search engine that allows you to connect with a choice of providers. The We Care guide also serves as a referral document for commanders, community leaders, and program managers. This comprehensive listing will empower you to find what you need to be a successful and resilient member of the Air Force family. Wherever you go in AMC, there will be a We Care guide.

Additional Resources: 
Spouse Employment - Scott Bowermaster - 

WIC Application Information - https://scdhec.gov/health/wic-nutrition-program 



                      We Care Guide Link: We Care


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