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Tag: Air Force

Intel staff sergeant surprised at commander’s call
January 27, 2017
Staff Sgt. Hannah Dye

New equipment could save AMC millions
January 4, 2017
A High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle was tied down with both the existing tiedowns and new synthetic tiedowns to conduct a side by side demonstration during an operational evaluation on Joint Base Charleston, Nov. 28 and 29. The evaluation was a culmination of an Air Force Research Labs, Advanced Power Technology Office, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, initiative to reduce aircraft weight by almost 1,000 pounds for better fuel efficiency.

Jumpers earn foreign wings during toy drop
December 16, 2016
U.S. and foreign paratroopers jump from a C-17 during Operation Toy Drop XIX Dec., 10 at Luzon drop zone at Camp Mackall, N.C.  During OTD U.S. paratroopers have the chance to train with jumpmasters from other nations, learn about their training tactics, and expand their experience through working with partner nations. (U.S. Army photo by Spc. Tynisha L. Daniel)

Two birds, one shot
November 16, 2016
Members of Joint Base Charleston receive their annual flu vaccines from the 628th Medical Group (MDG) at a point of distribution during a public health emergency exercise on Joint Base Charleston, South Carolina, Nov. 9, 2016. In the event of a real world incident, members would be given a flu vaccine if they hadn’t already received one, as well as medication to combat the outbreak. To simulate that, those who participated in the exercise were given the vaccination and candy to represent the medication.

Veterans Day parade 2016
November 9, 2016
Members of Joint Base Charleston march together during the Veterans Day parade in Charleston, South Carolina, Oct. 6, 2016. The parade is held to honor Veterans Day which became a national holiday Nov. 11, 1938. Veterans Day pays tribute to all American veterans, alive or deceased.

Navy celebrates 241st birthday
October 17, 2016
Seaman Charles Diehl (left), Navy Nuclear Power Training Command machinist mate, Master Chief Petty Officer Asa Worcester (center), Joint Base Charleston command master chief and Sam Kirton, a retired Navy Master Chief Petty Officer, cut the cake during the Navy Ball celebrating the Navy’s 241st birthday. The event took place at the Embassy Suites Hotel, Charleston, South Carolina on Oct. 15. Navy tradition is to have the cake cut by the youngest and oldest Navy members present.

Recovery efforts underway from Hurricane Matthew
October 11, 2016
U.S. Air Force Senior Airman Anthony Tressel, radio frequency transmission technician with the 628th Communications Squadron, inspects a ultra high frequency (UHF) antenna for wind damage caused by Hurricane Matthew  on Joint Base Charleston, S.C., Oct. 10, 2016. Joint Base personnel are working diligently to return the Joint Base to full operational status after disaster response coordinators assessed damage and verified a safe operating environment.

C-17 missions still continue into Afghanistan
October 11, 2016
A U.S. Air Force C-17 Globemaster III pilot looks at his notes during a transport mission in support of Operation Freedom Sentinel in Southwest Asia Sept. 30, 2016. The C-17 is the newest most flexible cargo aircraft to enter the airlift force. The C-17 is capable of rapid strategic delivery of troops and all types of cargo to main operating bases or directly to forward bases in the deployment area. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Douglas Ellis/Released)