Joint Base Charleston


Commander’s Comments

By Col. John Wood | 437th Airlift Wing commander | December 17, 2009

CHARLESTON AIR FORCE BASE, S.C. -- This is the last article for 2009 and it is hard to believe another year has went by so quickly. First and foremost, I wish everyone a wonderful Holiday season filled with family and friends. But, I know family members are deployed and many of you are stationed far away from home. Although we are a nation at war, we have a base and a community that is always ready to help and support each other. For those that don't have the opportunity to travel and take a break over the Christmas and New Year's weekends, we have many programs set up for you and I encourage you to consider joining base sponsored activities during the holiday weeks.

As we end this year and reflect on what we've accomplished, I ask you to look around at the company you keep. You'll quickly find that whether your friends are Airmen, civilians, or reservists, the company you keep is very special. You have a lot to celebrate and to be proud of.

Each of us is part of our nation's effort to ensure the safety of our country -- you are giving an incredible present to our fellow citizens. I know I speak for Chief Ivey and all of Team Charleston's leadership in thanking you for your commitment as well as wishing for your safe travels during the holidays. We are truly fortunate to be part of Team Charleston.

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