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Tag: South Carolina

C-17 conducts historic mission to Virgin Islands following Irma
September 13, 2017
Members of the 14th and 15th Airlift Squadrons transported a Federal Aviation Administration air traffic control mobile tower from Mountain Home Air Force Base, Idaho, to the Cyril E. King Airport in St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, Sept. 12.

437th AW maintains global mobility
July 21, 2017
A C-17 Globemaster III taxis on the runway at Joint Base Charleston, S.C. July 18, 2017.  The C-17 is capable of rapid strategic delivery of troops and all types of cargo to main operating bases or directly to forward bases in a deployment area. The aircraft can perform tactical airlift and airdrop missions and can transport litters and ambulatory patients during aeromedical evacuation.

18th AF leadership visits 437th AW
June 8, 2017
Lt. Gen. Giovanni Tuck, 18th Air Force commander, meets with 437th Airlift Wing leadership at the Joint Base Charleston headquarters building June 6, 2017. Tuck explained his expectations and goals for 18th AF. His visit to Charleston was one of a handful around the command allowing him to hear from Airmen about how their wings carry out operations at home and abroad.

JB Charleston participates in community exercise
June 7, 2017
Master Sgt. Michelle Wilkes, 628th Medical Group medical information systems NCO in charge, applies cosmetics to a volunteer’s leg prior to Dorchester County’s mass casualty exercise at Ashley Ridge High School in Summerville, S.C., June 6, 2017. Joint Base Charleston assisted multiple Dorchester County emergency response agencies during the community partnered exercise. The event aimed to improve interagency communication and response to large scale emergencies.

Professional tennis player takes time to visit Sailors
April 7, 2017
Kayla Day, professional tennis player, plays a game of pool with Naval Nuclear Power Training Unit students April 4, 2017, at the Bowman Center on Joint Base Charleston - Weapons Station, S.C. Day toured the NNPTU campus and signed autographs for Team Charleston members while she was in the Charleston area to compete in the Volvo Car Open tennis tournament.

Fighting fire with fire
December 14, 2016
A prescribed small head fire burns through pine woods of JB Charleston – WS, February 2016. The primary goal of prescribed fire is to prevent and minimize wildfire by reducing fuel loads in the 12,000 acres of managed forest land here.