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Joint Base Charleston and Charleston County Aviation Authority sign airfield snow and ice removal agreement

010618 | June 14, 2018


Leaders at Joint Base Charleston and the Charleston County Aviation Authority signed a memorandum of understanding for airfield snow and ice removal here June 14, 2018.


This memorandum establishes policies and procedures recommended by a joint task force for the cooperation and coordination of snow removal operations at the jointly used flying facilities.


"I want to thank the Charleston County Aviation Authority and the task force for their recommendations that have been incorporated into this joint memorandum of understanding," said Col. Jeff Nelson, 628th Air Base Wing commander. "Together, we will meet annually in the fall to conduct pre-season winter weather management coordination and issue a plan to each of our organizations to improve our readiness and coordination required for snow and ice removal from the airfield during significant winter weather related events."


A task force comprised of subject-matter experts created on Jan. 30 was tasked with reviewing lessons learned and studying the weather-related emergency response plan for the runways and taxiways shared by the joint base and Charleston International Airport.


The task force provided their recommendations to the Joint Base Commander and the Aviation Authority Executive Director to enhance established emergency response plans that were incorporated into the memorandum of understanding.


"This joint memorandum of understanding will improve communications and operations and give us a comprehensive plan to quickly and effectively execute snow and ice removal on the joint base airfield and taxiways," said Paul G. Campbell Jr., Executive Director and CEO of the Aviation Authority. "Our goal is to alleviate the impact on civil and commercial aircraft operations during inclement weather."


In addition to the fall pre-season winter weather management coordination, a snow control command center will be implemented in the event that inclement winter weather has the potential to affect or actually affects airfield operations. The command center will coordinate activities related to inclement winter weather response.


Some of these activities may include:


. Clearing operations and airfield assessments

. Identifying measures to ensure that runways, taxiways and ramps remain operational before, during and/or after inclement winter weather

. Providing updates related to current runway surface conditions

. Drafting Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) for dissemination, inventory, location, storage and staging of equipment and de-icing chemicals and applications

. Discussing procurement actions and disposal of snow and ice in compliance with the Clean Water Act and applicable state regulations related to storm water management, snow and ice containment and collection and snow removal


Joint Base Charleston owns and maintains the runways that are shared between the base, Charleston International Airport and Boeing. This memorandum of understanding does not supersede or void the joint-use agreement between the United States Air Force and Aviation Authority, the airport owner and operator. The existing agreement ensures that the Air Force maintains the airfield to ensure military readiness.


Continued collaboration between Joint Base Charleston and the Aviation Authority will provide better response to future weather incidents. As always, we thank the Charleston community for their outstanding support.



  • Joint Base Public Affairs
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