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JB Charleston prepares for Hurricane Condition IV, possible aircraft evacuation

010917 | Sept. 6, 2017


Joint Base Charleston is currently in Hurricane Condition V, which indicates that we are within 96 hours of destructive winds impacting the base.  Base personnel are reviewing their respective readiness checklists in anticipation of the installation moving into HURCON IV, which indicates possible destructive winds within 72 hours.


During HURCON IV, JB Charleston will begin precautionary preparations to secure equipment that may be exposed to storm conditions, plan for the possible evacuation of aircraft, personnel and their families. We are staying in close contact with state and local authorities regarding the possibility of an evacuation order. Additionally, teams will soon begin to store outdoor items that could become projectiles in a storm.


The Installation Office of Emergency Management encourages everyone to review their hurricane plans with their families. You should monitor the storm on NOAA weather radio and through the local news media, particularly those residents in low-lying areas along the SC coast.  The Joint Base Charleston, South Carolina; Charleston; Berkeley and Dorchester County Emergency Operations Center will coordinate on actions to take and inform residents as the storm forecast changes.


As a prudent precaution, all military members are requested to update their contact information and potential evacuation location on their respective Services’ accountability systems.  If an evacuation order is given, correct information is crucial for accountability.


Please use the links below to check & update your information:


Air Force Personnel Accountability and Assessment System


Navy Family Accountability and Assessment System


U.S. Army Disaster Personnel Accountability and Assessment System


For hurricane condition information, base personnel, their families and residents can call the 628th Air Base Wing Public Affairs Straight Talk line at (843) 963-5581 for up-to-date hurricane condition information. Official updates will be provided via <>  or <> .


For more information, please call the Public Affairs office at (843) 963-5608.

  • Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs
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