Joint Base Charleston


Get to know a Sailor

By Machinist's Mate 3rd Class Brannon Deugan | Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs | January 19, 2011

JOINT BASE CHARLESTON -- Name: Jinnett Santos

Rank: Culinary Specialist 1st Class (E-6)

Unit/Department: Naval Support Activity Galley

Age: 41

Married? No

Children: "Nope, I don't need the added stress."

Pets: "Three-and-a-half-pound Yorki named Lanikai. She's so cute. She is my pride and joy until she starts barking."

Favorite Activity: "Hiking, I don't get to do it much, but I love it."

Favorite Quote: "Everything happens for a reason." - Marilyn Monroe

Favorite place to eat in town: "Southend Brewery, the shrimp and grits are delicious. It melts in your mouth. I've been dying to go back."

What is one thing that you would like to accomplish while at Joint Base Charleston? "I want to make chief while I'm here."

What has been your favorite assignment in the military? "My favorite assignment was at Camp Bucca, Iraq. I learned so much from it. Italy would be my ultimate assignment and I would love to be stationed there. Plus, I've always wanted to learn Italian."

Favorite task within your specialty/rate: "My favorite task is mentoring my Sailors because every bit of knowledge helps enhance their career, which really makes my day."

If you were the Chief of Naval Operations for the Navy for one day, what would you do? "If I was the CNO for a day, I would shorten deployments because it would improve morale and Sailors' way of life which would allow them to be able to spend more time with their loved ones."

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