The one thing that we can count on in the United States military is change. Although people often fear it ... change is good. As pointed out to me by retired Chief Master Sgt. Bob Langston, without change, we'd still be driving T-Model Fords. Instead we drive technologically advanced cars with turbo engines and bells and whistles that go off when you're about to back into something.
Our Air Force is a technologically advanced force ... powered by Airmen, and fueled by innovation. Our Air Force changed things from the very beginning. Since the very first powered flight, Airmen have viewed the world differently - seeking to go over and not through the enemy - forever changing the nature of warfare. We are constantly refining and developing new tactics, techniques, and procedures to improve our effectiveness. We are also changing personnel policies and programs.
As our command chief, Chief Master Sgt. Shawn Hughes and I get out and about to discuss issues, we find that Airmen are "thirsty" for additional information. While chief and I are trying to get out and see all Airmen as quickly as possible - the reality is it will be a while until we can see everyone. In the meantime there are several online resources to help you.
I encourage each of you to become familiar with the myPers website at While there, search for "2014 Personnel Services Delivery Memorandums. " Then select the link at the top of the page in the "we recommend" box. The link will take you to a list of all of the 2014 PSDMs. There you can find instructions on many education, promotion and career development programs that may interest you including:
1. 2015 United States Air Force Undergraduate Flight Training Selection Board, which includes application instructions for pilots, remotely piloted aircraft, combat systems officers and air battle managers.
2. Career Intermission Pilot Program--applications are due to Air Force Personnel Center by Oct. 15 and allows up to 20 officers and 20 enlisted Airmen to take one to three years off from active duty while they enter Individual Ready Reserve status. The intent is to enhance retention for some of our talented Airmen who may need a break for either personal or family reasons.
3. Weighted Airman Promotion System--outlines changes slated to be implemented over the next 18 months.
Additionally, the Air Force continues to revamp the Enlisted Evaluation System. We can expect a steady flow of information over the coming months as the Air Force systematically releases updates on the implementation timeline. The Air Force currently expects to release the new chief master sergeant performance report by March 2015, and the master sergeant and senior master sergeant performance reports later in the spring. The performance report for airman basic through technical sergeant should be released in the summer of 2015. You can find additional details regarding the release and implementation timeline on the Air Force Portal (search for enlisted evaluation and promotion systems implementation timeline).
AFPC continues to pursue voluntary separation methods as the primary means of force shaping. Voluntary force shaping programs for civilian personnel are slated to begin in early October and further force management initiatives for FY15 are undergoing review and finalization. For the latest updates on force management initiatives you can visit and search for keyword "pulse."
Change can be scary but education and knowledge can help you take advantage of the unique opportunities that often present themselves during turbulent times. There are many programs available to help. Please talk to your supervisors and commanders about voluntary education programs like the GI Bill, Tuition Assistance and certification programs.
I have directed wing leadership at every level to assist all Airmen, those staying and those separating, as force management measures are implemented. Together we can use the opportunities present during this unique time to advance all Airmen and help them pursue goals both in and outside of the Air Force.