Joint Base Charleston


Diamond Tips: Never Ever Would I Ever

By Master Sgt. Tiffany Robinson | 437th Aerial Port Squadron first sergeant | May 13, 2015

JOINT BASE CHARLESTON, S.C. -- Have you ever found yourself in front of your commander for other than honorable reasons thinking, "How did I get here?!"  How about running slowly around the track on the last leg of your PT test or not having enough stamina to push out that last push-up, suddenly realizing you will fail this component of the fitness assessment?  Or, what about finding yourself in that unhealthy relationship you said you'd never be in?

Well, in the famous words of the hip-hop rapper Drake, sometimes things can go from zero to 100 real quick!  Zero to 60 typically alludes to the acceleration of a fast car, but in life zero to 100 refers to significant events which transpire in our lives without warning.  When it happens to you (and it will) just remember that although you may not always be able to control what happens, you can control your attitudes and reactions.  Here are a few helpful hints to help you overcome those situations:

· Always try to see the positive side of negative events

· Don't allow your past to define you!  When people remind you of your past... inform them of your future

· Have a realistic plan... a plan of success.  Benjamin Franklin once said, ""When you fail to plan, you plan to fail"

· Surround yourself with good wingmen, mentors and people who genuinely care for and support you

· Lastly, remember... it's never too early or too late to change for the better.  Never.

The easiest thing to do when you find yourself in a Never-Ever-Did-I-Think-I'd-Ever- type situation is become stagnant or doubt yourself.  But you can't stay there.  As Airmen, we are called to fly, fight and win! So fight your way out of those negative situations, fly above all expectations... and WIN!!

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