I would like to share a few thoughts on this important topic. I have served in many organizations and places, and one theme I find common in my observations: either "Rambo" or STPs in units, bases, councils, etc. If you wonder what I mean by these two terms, you're right...I need to define my terms and acronyms.
You remember Rambo, right? Rambo was quite the character in the 1980s with subsequent, multiple movie sequels. Rambo was always sent on very dangerous missions, and he was the key factor in defeating the enemy...the one-man special ops team.
The other acronym you read (STP) stands for Same Ten People. These are the ones you recognize around the base. You know? The ones you see leading committees, volunteering in the community, and those in the work-center who are always at the forefront. Everyone wants one of those STPs. They are busy-bees, and we depend on them - they get the job done!
So you ask, "What's the problem with having Rambo or STPs?" The problem is we grow and develop "Rambo" or STPs when we let one person in the organization do most of the work, knowing foremost we could use everyone's potential. This is like having an 8-cylinder engine in your Mustang but wondering why your high-performance machine is running on only one cylinder.
Although we're happy to have one of these amazing people, the "Rambo" and "STP" effect have their consequences: little activity in organizations, fewer people involved, and less than 10 percent productivity when we know our units could achieve 100 percent. And again, what would happen in your organization the moment Rambo or your STP moves to another unit? Certainly, we cannot depend on one person to get the job done.
We need a culture change. There is a need right now for a paradigm shift and a move from a Rambo approach to a Together-Everyone-Accomplishes-More (TEAM) approach. We need to create the kind of culture where everyone contributes to high performance and success becomes success×. (Success in this case is to the exponential power of "X," and X is the number of people in the team or unit.)
Let's move from the solo approach to the TEAM approach. Where can we start? As a leader and mentor, there are several things you must do to create a TEAM culture. Here is a beginner's list:
1. Identify and multiply your Rambo and STPs. The peculiar thing about these "movers and shakers" is that they themselves have a network of people who are also remarkable (Yes! It's the law of association). Sometimes this network of people is reluctant to take leadership roles and operate in the background being creative and doing amazing things. Bring these people to the forefront. As you can see, your team of STPs just got larger!
2. Involve your people and promote contributions from all. No involvement leads to little commitment, and ultimately, low performance. Therefore, get every member of your unit involved in process improvement efforts, councils, and the community, even if the tasks are small. Assign responsibility. Mold the members into a TEAM, and pass what you have learned to others.
3. Capitalize on your organization's heritage. This point refers to the actions we take to pass the best customs and traditions throughout our service to others. Consequently, select two or three people today and mentor them. Teach them to use their imagination to get the best TEAM results. Teach your mentees about your service, your unit's history, and remind them about how great it feels to be part of the greatest Joint Base Team in the world.
4. Celebrate! This last point is very important. Take the time to recognize the TEAM accomplishments and highlight how each of the members contributed to success. Remember, we want to develop every single member's strength, and then mesh those talents to form a high-performance TEAM. No one person is more important than the other...all of us enable successX.
As we look around us, we are constantly reminded of the high caliber of people we have. Our greatest strength is our doubt! Can you imagine what we could achieve if we are able to use the full power of all of our talents combined? I know we can do it! The list above is just the beginning. Multiplying the STPs and creating successX TEAMs are the aim of leaders and mentors of all levels. This will be the very fiber that will assure we continue to be the most powerful military force in the world!