As we continue into the enlisted promotion testing cycle, I encourage everyone to read and follow the guidance in AFPAM 36-2241, Professional Development Guide, specifically Chapter one.
Chapter one outlines everything anyone will need to know to become a success in any endeavor.
Section 1C outlines the need to stay motivated, focus attention, determine what you want out of life and to feed and develop your mind.
These basic tenants provide anyone with a vision and map to accomplish those goals. As you continue to read the chapter it will provide the reader with the tips on how to effectively manage time, location and methods that are conducive to efficient studying and retention of information.
Section 1D highlights the military knowledge and testing system and can be viewed at This website shows the results of surveys conducted by staff sergeants through chief master sergeants on what they felt was the most important issue affecting the United States Air Force and is a guide to PDG and promotion testing development.
Section 1E will provide you with test-taking tips to help you prepare for and navigate through your exam.
Finally, there are other free resources available to assist with promotion testing.
The PDG is available in an electronic version at:
To supplement the PDG and assist Airmen to study for promotion testing, Mp3
audio files will be available at: or
PDG interactive exercises on testable chapters are available at:
These links provide everyone with a very interactive way to study for promotion in every grade. The exercises are comparable to other commercially offered software that you can purchase to help retain the information in the Professional Development Guide. Whichever method of study you chose please remember that you cannot earn your next promotion without a study plan and significant effort to excel