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NEWS | Oct. 10, 2016

UPDATE: Latest Storm Information for JB Charleston Personnel

Joint Base Charleston

NOTE: The below releases are listed in order of timeline - from the newest to oldest.


10 Oct 16- Joint Base Charleston reopens, Emergency Family Assistance Center stands-up


10 Oct 16- Child Development Centers on the Air Base and Weapons Station will only be open for select Priority 1-3 personnel.  Details follow:


The Child Development Center (CDC) on the Air Base will be open for enrolled Priority 1. Single military 2. Dual military and 3. Single civilians. Priority will be given to 437th AW personnel due to recovery of returning evacuated aircraft. For 437th AW personnel, Family Care plans must be implemented if not directly supporting C-17 recovery operations. All other users of the CDC must implement Family Care plans.  Contact your chain of command if you are unsure of your status in supporting aircraft recovery.  Those utilizing the Air Base CDC must bring a brown bag lunch (no peanut butter products).


The Weapons Station CDC is open for enrolled Priority 1. Single military 2. Dual military and 3. Single civilians. Those utilizing the Weapons Station CDC must bring a brown bag lunch (no peanut butter products).


Youth Centers will be open for enrolled full day and before-and-after school-age care and there will be no open rec. at both the Air Base and Weapons Station locations. Those utilizing the full day care must bring a brown bag lunch (no peanut butter products).


10 Oct 16- Emergency Family Assistance Center (EFAC) will open on both the Air Base and Weapons Station beginning at 7 a.m. Service members and families can file evacuation travel vouchers at the EFAC.


An EFAC is the central point for promoting short and long-term recovery. This includes the return to a stable environment and mission ready status for Department of Defense personnel and their families following a significant incident. EFACs provide a consolidated staging area where families and individuals can obtain disaster relief assistance and/or support, current information from leadership, and contingency services. They integrate services addressing the needs families and individuals affected by the incident.


The EFAC will be available on the Air Base at the Airman and Family Readiness Center, Bldg. 500, from 7 a.m. through 7 p.m. and Weapons Station at the Fleet and Family Services, Bldg. 755, from 7 a.m. through 7 p.m., beginning Wednesday, Oct. 12 through Friday, Oct. 14, 2016 for any members or civilian employees and affected family members of Hurricane Matthew.


The EFAC will consist of the following services:

-        Finance (Travel Claims processing)

o   Air Force financial support 24 hours a day in AFRC.

-        Military and Family Support

-        Air Force Aid

-        Navy Marine Corps Relief (WS located across from Fleet and Family Support Center)

-        Chaplain

-        Mental Health

-        Legal/JA for claim support

-        Balfour Beatty/Hunt Community Homes for rental insurance claims



10 Oct 16- Full rescind of Limited Evacuation Order. To view more, click here: 3 - Full LEO Rescind.pdf?ver=2016-10-10-091308-690


9 Oct 16- Partial Rescinding of CONUS Limited Evacuation Order Rescinding of CONUS Limited Evacuation Order.pdf?ver=2016-10-09-140231-520


9 Oct 16- PRESS RELEASE- Partial lift of Limited Evacuation Order: All personnel may return (Exception of Beaufort, Georgetown, and Horry Counties). Read more here:


9 Oct 16- Revocation of CONUS Limited Evacuation Order (LEO) for Hurricane Recovery Teams ONLY:  See below. Team_SIGNED.pdf?ver=2016-10-09-083230-727


8 Oct 16- Joint Base Charleston damage assessment underway, no personnel recalled at this time, visit the link: Base Charleston News Release -- Joint Base Charleston damage assessment underway, no personnel recalled at this .pdf?ver=2016-10-08-200138-423


7 Oct 16- Joint Base Charleston moves into Hurricane Condition I. To find out more, visit the link below: Base Charleston News Release -- Joint Base Charleston declares HURCON I PDF.pdf?ver=2016-10-07-144715-260


6 Oct 16- Joint Base Charleston moves into Hurricane Condition II. To find out more, please click below: Base Charleston News Release -- Joint Base Charleston declares HURCON II.pdf?ver=2016-10-06-174637-250


5 Oct 16- For press release number 1, regarding Hurricon 3 actions, please go to: Release #1.pdf?ver=2016-10-05-084237-200


5 Oct 16- For the limited evacuation order (LEO) please go to: 1 -- Limited Evac Order 6 Oct 16.pdf?ver=2016-10-06-202745-110