I can't express how proud I am of Team Charleston. Day in and day out you impress me with your drive and professionalism, both on and off duty. I'm extremely pleased that we ended the Thanksgiving holidays with zero major incidents. This speaks volumes about the way Team Charleston Airmen and civilians take care of each other.
We're gearing up for another Wingman Day Dec. 7-8. We'll need to continue working hard to put an emphasis on looking out for our wingman as we roll in to December. While many people on base are stationed far from any immediate family, they should always know that the Team Charleston family is here for them. An excellent example of the Team Charleston family is people inviting single Airmen into their homes for Thanksgiving. Thank you to everyone who took someone in for a home-cooked meal. Let's continue building a strong Team Charleston family year round.
The First Sergeant's Association Holiday Cheer program also assisted more than 120 deserving base families with purchasing their holiday meals. They'll continue to support almost 200 base children with their Angel Tree program. A big thanks goes to Master Sgt. Sherry Graves, 14th Airlift Squadron first sergeant, and Master Sgt. Kimberly Waite-Cooper, 437th Services Squadron first sergeant, for spearheading this year's Holiday Cheer effort.
In addition, the Base Cookie Drive helps make the holidays a little brighter as we remember our troops living in the dorms and those in work areas operational on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Please drop-off your best home-made cookies at one of the drive thru drop-off points that will be located at both gates Dec. 18 from 6 - 10 a.m. Cookie donations will also be received at the Chapel Annex from 10 a.m. - noon that day. Bring your cookies in bulk as individual packets and large plates will be assembled for the Airmen.
I'm looking forward to the officer hail and farewell at the club tonight. All officers are encouraged to say goodbye to those leaving us and give a warm welcome to the newest members of the team.
Finally, I'd like to pass on a wonderful note from the father of an Army medic currently on the ground with the 10th Mountain Division in eastern Afghanistan. The e-mail was in response to an article written in The State newspaper in Columbia about the amazing work Team Charleston does re-supplying warfighters on the ground.
I am indebted to the crews of the planes that drop supplies to the troops on the ground. I don't know if these brave pilots and crew delivered supplies to my son, but they delivered it to somebody's son or daughter. They are to be commended and praised for the risk they take everyday to help our ground forces. May they all be safe and vigilant in their fight for all Americans back at home.
Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays (whichever fits) to them all!
Jim Rose
Proud 10th Mountain Dad
The work we do here each and everyday is not just important, it saves lives. The Soldier that we never see on the ground is someone's father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. You all should be very proud to be the ones called upon to accomplish this vital mission. Team Charleston -- One family, one mission, one fight!