Thirty-five Airmen from Airman Leadership School Class 10-B graduated during a formal ceremony Feb. 11 at the Charleston Club here.
Staff Sgt. James Hubby, 628th Comptroller Squadron, was presented the John L. Levitow Award at the graduation ceremony as the top-performing student during the course.
Distinguished graduates were Senior Airmen Gina Oliveras, 628th Security Forces Squadron; Joseph Caprio, 628th Logistics Readiness Squadron; and Jonathan Paris, 437th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron.
Airman Paris also won the Academic Achievement Award, and Staff Sgt. Monise Butler, 628th Aerospace Medicine Squadron, was recognized with the Leadership Award.
Guest speaker for the evening was Master Sgt. Beth Dickens, who addressed the audience for the last time as ALS commandant. Sergeant Dickens recently retired Feb. 12, and taking her place as ALS commandant is Tech. Sgt. Joe Adams.
Graduates from the five-week course included:
Class commander: Staff Sgt. Micaiah Stegner, 628 SFS
15th Airlift Squadron: Senior Airmen Manuel Chacon and Grant Phillips
16th Airlift Squadron: Senior Airmen Jaron Brown and Joseph Joiner
437 AMXS: Staff Sgt. Nicholas Ivy and Senior Airmen James Chorn, Stephen Lyons and Gary Standfill
437th Aerial Port Squadron: Staff Sgts. Raymond Banks, Aldea Hersel and Senior Airmen Ashley Kelly and Sean Macheski-Brashear
437th Maintenance Operations Squadron: Staff Sgt. Kenneth Fowler
437th Maintenance Squadron: Staff Sgt. David Denis and Senior Airmen Kenneth Martinez, Byron Ragland and Andrew Reilly
437th Operations Group: Senior Airman Michael Elsik
437th Operations Support Squadron: Senior Airman Jamila Davis
628 AMDS: Senior Airman Allen Calais
628th Civil Engineer Squadron: Senior Airman Ryan Sebik
628th Force Support Squadron: Senior Airman Kyrie Redd
628 LRS: Staff Sgt. Candelario Gallegos and Senior Airman Shane O'Kelley
628 SFS: Staff Sgts. Tyson Fisher, Lucy Jones, Markeis McCray, Jonathan Wood and Senior Airman Charlene Murphy