Joint Base Charleston air base commissary customers can do their grocery shopping over the internet starting Sept. 22 when the store starts its CLICK2GO online ordering-curbside pickup service.
“Internet grocery shopping has certainly picked up as folks cope with the COVID-19 outbreak, so we’re especially pleased to be able to offer this to our community,” said Eddie Williams, store director.
Authorized commissary shoppers access the service through the Defense Commissary Agency’s customer portal, An initial sign-up is required the first time users access the site.
“While shoppers can’t pick up their orders until September 22, they can do their initial sign-up now to be ready,” Williams said.
Everyone’s invited to access the CLICK2GO page on to learn more about it. Customers use a computer or mobile device to make their orders online where they select from commissary products offered based on the store’s stock assortment. After products are selected, the shopper selects a pickup time and completes the checkout process. At their appointed time they park in designated parking spaces where commissary workers bring their groceries and complete the transactions. On Sept. 18 the website will begin accepting orders for Sept. 22 pickup.
Williams cautioned customers about product availability, which has been impacted by COVID-19 shopping patterns. Online product selections might not be available when pickers go through the store to fill the orders, and customers are notified of their order status accordingly.
“While CLICK2GO customers experience the same product availability issues as regular shoppers, they don’t have to go in the store to shop and make their purchases,” he said.
As part of an introductory offer, the service will be free during the first 30 days of operation. After that a $4.95 service fee will be applied for each order as it is at other CLICK2GO locations. Charleston joins commissaries at Fort Belvoir, Fort Eustis, Naval Air Station Oceana, Marine Corps Base Quantico and Fort Lee, all in Virginia; and McGuire Air Force Base, New Jersey, as DeCA’s seventh CLICK2GO location.