Private motor vehicle mishaps continue to be the number one cause of fatalities in the Air Force during the summer. Although the percentage of PMV-related fatalities during the previous three Critical Days of Summer campaigns (2010, 2011, 2012) has decreased slightly (75 percent, 72 percent and 69 percent, respectively), it remains, by far, the major cause of fatalities throughout the summer. Many of us wait for summer to take leave to enjoy the clear and dry road conditions for travel and the warm and sunny weather is just calling for us to get on the road again."
Private motor vehicle mishaps are the number one cause of fatalities for both the Air Force and Navy.
When you take your well-earned leave, keep in mind that your family, friends and co-workers want you to return rested and refreshed. To help you get back "Safe 'n Sound," remember you have the responsibility to plan for and mitigate hazards. While the data on fatalities is published regularly, the data on reported Class Cs mishaps is not. Class C data should not be ignored because, as all safety professionals are aware, a Class C has the potential of becoming a Class A at any given moment. Sometimes the only difference is luck! Don't let your luck run out this summer.
Listed below are websites that can help you plan your travels:
Link to Travel Risk Planning System (TRiPS):