WEBVTT 00:06.920 --> 00:10.840 It's easy to get withdrawn and removed 00:10.840 --> 00:13.290 from your friends and your support 00:13.290 --> 00:15.457 system , and that's hard when we can't 00:15.457 --> 00:17.623 see each other . We've been decorating 00:17.623 --> 00:19.623 our tree for Christmas for the past 00:19.623 --> 00:21.679 three years , and we get such a warm 00:21.679 --> 00:24.680 and joyous response . When the pandemic 00:24.680 --> 00:26.791 started , I thought that I would like 00:26.791 --> 00:29.570 to create the same hope and joy in 00:29.570 --> 00:31.792 people during this difficult time way . 00:31.792 --> 00:34.190 Put our Christmas lights back up and 00:34.190 --> 00:35.970 name them Hope Lights , instead 00:36.750 --> 00:39.940 encouraging faults of love and hope and 00:40.100 --> 00:42.267 whatever else would help someone threw 00:42.267 --> 00:44.211 this time . So whatever you need , 00:44.320 --> 00:46.320 that's what we want to provide with 00:46.320 --> 00:46.940 this tree .